by Marieluna Frank and Arne Sönnichsen
With the aim of bringing together perspectives from the social sciences on space and its use with perspectives of practitioners, the Schader Foundation is organising a series of workshops on the new space age together with SichTRaum and the Public Science Lab at Furtwangen University. The three workshops will address a wide range of topics and discuss not only security and economic challenges, but also normative foundations, sociological and philosophical questions, narratives, approaches to solutions and ideas for the future.
Members of the SichTRaum network had the pleasure of participating in stimulating discussions at the first workshop with the title “The new space age – Space exploitation and “ on 23 January at the Schader Foundation in Darmstadt. The successful composition of participants and impulse speakers from science, practice, and media enabled inspiring discussions and an interesting and constructive exchange. After the workshop, members carried on discussion during supper.
Many thanks to the Schader Foundation, to Kirsten Mensch and Alexander Gemeinhardt, Stefan Selke, and for the network, Daniel Lambach, for the great organisation and compilation of the programme. We appreciate this initiative very much and the SichTRaum network is looking forward to the further workshops and many more personal encounters.
Link Workshop 1:
Link Workshop 2:
Link Workshop 3: (TBA)
Link to a article by Hans-Arthur Marsiske (